Deepen industrial cooperation and assist industrial upgrading
Release time:2024-08-01On July 30, 2024, SCGCGROUP joined hands with a leading glass manufacturer in Anhui to successfullysign the second phase oxygen supply project. Following the successfulcooperation between the two parties in the first phase of the project, thiscooperation marks a further deepening of the relationship between the twoparties, aiming to further promote the application of gas technology in theglass manufacturing industry and assist the development of the glass industry.
#The firstphase of cooperation has achieved remarkable results, and the second phase ofthe project is highly anticipated #
Inthe first phase of the project, SCGC GROUP has won the trust and praise ofcustomers with its professional technical team, efficient service process anddeep understanding of customer needs. Based on the successful experience ofPhase I cooperation, Phase II project will adopt more advanced VPSA (pressureswing adsorption) equipment and technology to meet the strict requirements ofcustomers for low energy consumption oxygen supply and further improveproduction efficiency and product quality.
#Customized gas supply solutions to ensurestable and safe supply #
Tailored gas supply solutions for customerspecific needs. This solution not only focuses on the stability and safety ofgas supply, but also helps customers achieve green production and sustainabledevelopment goals by adopting energy-efficient VPSA technology.